Tag Archives: michael good

Stayin “Big” in the Hood

8 May


Photo May 08, 2 33 26 PM

Another Unlikely Duo here! Lets face it my style isn’t like most girls on the street. I love the power of mixing and matching the unexpected. While my overall daily style is pretty tomyboy-ish (sneakers, cut up tees, crop tops and leggings) unexpectedly, I love to rock fine jewelry along with my apparel. Coming from a family of jewelry designers and goldsmiths no outfit is complete without the beloved jewels. But here is the diff…most people out on the streets wear everyday trendy costume jewelry, and frankly this is to be expected. Nothing different from one person walking down the street to the next…all rockin their bangles, oversized hoop earrings and necklaces (YAWN). However, I embrace the power of being different. Fine jewelry carries something unique that costume jewelry doesn’t, simply it is ever lasting no matter what the design is. Luxury jewelry sparkles like no other, holds value and is often times passed down from generation to generation making it a classic staple accessory.  In my world of fine jewelry it is truly an art form. I love to show off my kicks but I also love to turn heads with my custom jewels. The point … if you have one piece of nice jewelry and you wear it with something unexpected it becomes much more powerful than wearing it with a boat load of trendy costume jewelry. Invest in an ever lasting look and Knuckle Up Bish!

~ Knuckled up, Feet firmly planted.

Stylealexandra’s  mix and match of streetwear meets fine jewelry below!

mix and match