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14 Mar

What fuels your AMBITION? #Inspiration

Current Ambition:

Inspiration / Memories / Mystery / Reward / Passion / Music / Fashion

“Easy to dream a dream though it is harder to live it” – Wale

L.I.F.E. in 2012

6 Jan

Thus far 2012 has been quite the journey and we are only six days into the year. With a terminal aunt, a friend in a life threatening car accident, and a best friend sick with no answers as to what is wrong …it has been mentally draining. While it is most natural to be down and out I am taking a positive spin on all of these situations and realizing what LIFE and 2012 truly means to me.

Life is not about material things (although always enjoy and indulge in the things you like.. for me sneakers, fashion, and sports). While these things bring temporary joy it is important to still engage or indulge in what brings a smile to your face. However, these are the surface items…dive deeper to what brings happiness for a lifetime.  What LIFE is about (in my opinion) are the relationships we have, memories we make, love and respect.

Love – Always love yourself no matter what. You are the only one that can pave your special journey in life. Love and cherish the important people in your life…they are in your life for a reason and all fill a particular need for your life path. Always remind them what they mean to you.

Integrity – Never compromise your integrity for anyone. Integrity is a strong trait…if you are always honest to yourself and others you will always feel whole.

Faith- Always have faith in yourself and loved ones. You must trust.

Enlightened – Have a well-informed outlook on life. Never assume (it is easy to do), always be aware and give greater knowledge to loved ones or others in your life.

